Webex Calling CDR Fields and Descriptions

banner image of tables for Webex Calling CDR Fields in blue

Expo XT UC Analytics makes it easier to get insights from your Webex Calling data without having to navigate the Control Hub API. By analyzing the call detail records, and utilizing AI to identify anomalies and outliers, Expo XT is a valueable tool for gaining a deep understanding of the way your organization utilizes your Webex Calling infrastructure.

Webex Calling CDR Table

Below is a detailed description of the fields available from the Webex Control Hub fact table, which captures various aspects of caller activity, queuet performance, and hunt group utilization.

Webex Calling Field String Webex Calling Field Description
Answer indicator String Whether the call leg was answered after a redirection. Possible values: Yes, No, Yes-PostRedirection
Answer time String The time the call was answered. Time is in UTC.
Answered String Whether the call leg was answered.
Authorization code String The authorization code admin created for a location or site for users to use.
Call ID String SIP Call ID used to identify the call.
Call outcome String Identifies whether the call was set up or disconnected normally. Possible values: Success, Failure, Refusal
Call outcome reason String Additional information about the Call outcome returned.
Call transfer Time String Indicates the time at which the call transfer service was invoked during the call.
Called line ID String For incoming calls, the calling line ID of the user. For outgoing calls, it's the calling line ID of the called party.
Called number String For incoming calls, the telephone number of the user. For outgoing calls, it's the telephone number of the called party.
Calling line ID String For incoming calls, the calling line ID of the calling party. For outgoing calls, it's the calling line ID of the user.
Calling number String For incoming calls, the telephone number of the calling party. For outgoing calls, it's the telephone number of the user.
Client type String The type of client that the user is using to make or receive the call.
Client version String The version of the client that the user is using to make or receive the call.
Correlation ID String Correlation ID to tie together multiple call legs of the same call session.
Department ID String A unique identifier for the user's department name.
Device MAC String The MAC address of the device, if known.
Dialed digits String The keypad digits as dialed by the user, before pre-translations.
Direction String Whether the call was inbound or outbound. The possible values are: ORIGINATING, TERMINATING
Duration Number The length of the call in seconds.
Final local SessionID String The value of the Local Session ID at the end of the call.
Final remote SessionID String The value of the Remote Session ID at the end of the call.
Inbound trunk String Inbound trunk may be presented in Originating and Terminating records.
International country String The country code of the dialed number. This is only populated for international calls.
Local call ID String A unique identifier that is used to correlate CDRs and call legs with each other.
Local SessionID String Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) generated from the Originating user agent.
Location String Location of the report.
Model String The device model type the user is using to make or receive the call.
Network call ID String A unique identifier that shows if other CDRs are in the same call leg.
Org UUID String A unique identifier for the organization that made the call. This is a unique identifier across Cisco.
Original reason String Call redirection reason for the original called number.
OS type String The operating system that the app was running on, if available.
Outbound trunk String Outbound trunk may be presented in Originating and Terminating records.
Release time String The time the call was finished, in UTC.
Ring duration Number The length of ringing before the call was answered or timed out, in seconds.
Redirect reason String Call Redirection Reason for the redirecting number.
Redirecting number String When the call has been redirected one or more times, this field reports the last redirecting number.
Related call ID String Call identifier of a different call that was created by this call because of a service activation.
Related reason String Indicates a trigger that led to a change in the call presence.
Releasing party String Indicates which party released the call first. The possible values are: Local, Remote, Unknown
Remote call ID String A unique identifier that is used to correlate CDRs and call legs with each other.
Remote SessionID String Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) generated from the Terminating user agent.
Report ID String A unique ID for this particular record. This can be used when processing records to aid in deduplication.
Report time String The time this report was created. Time is in UTC.
Route group String Identifies the route group used for outbound calls routed via a route group to Premises-based PSTN or an on-prem deployment integrated with Webex Calling.
Site main number String The main number for the user's site where the call was made or received.
Site timezone String Site timezone is the offset in minutes from UTC time of the user's timezone.
Site UUID String A unique identifier for the site associated with the call. Unique across Cisco products.
Start time String The start time of the call, the answer time may be slightly after this. Time is in UTC.
Sub client type String If the call is TO or FROM a mobile phone using Webex Go, the Client type will show SIP, and Sub client type will show MOBILE_NETWORK.
Transfer related call ID String Call identifier of a different call that was involved in the transfer.
User String The user who made or received the call.
User number String Represents the E.164 number of the user generating a CDR.
User type String The type of user (user or workspace) that made or received the call.
User UUID String A unique identifier for the user associated with the call.

By leveraging Power BI, Expo XT UC Analytics for Webex Calling transforms call data into powerful insights that lead to optimized communication.

While Webex Calling data in the Webex Control Hub is only retained for 13 months, Expo XT allows you to set your own retention period for your data.

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