NICE CXone fNiceACDCDR Fields and Descriptions

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Expo XT UC Analytics integrates with NICE CXone for detailed analysis of call center operations, agent performance, and queue details, with real-Time insight into queues and KPI's.

fNiceACDCDR Fact Table

Below is a detailed description of the fields in the fNiceACDCDR fact table, which captures various aspects of NICE CXone activity, agent performance, and queues.

NICE CXone CDR Field Name Data Type CXone Field Description
Contact_ID String A unique identifier for each contact or call interaction.
Master_Contact_ID String The identifier for grouping related contact records, facilitating tracking of interactions within a single customer journey.
Contact_Code String A code representing the specific nature or category of the contact.
Media_Name String The communication medium through which the contact was made (e.g., Phone, Email, Chat).
Contact_Name String The name or identifier of the contact, varying based on the media type.
ANI_Dialnum String The Automatic Number Identification (ANI) or dial number associated with the contact.
Skill_No String The skill number assigned to the contact, linking it to specific agent skills for handling.
Skill_Name String The name of the skill associated with the contact, indicating the required expertise for handling.
Campaign_No String The campaign number associated with the contact, tying it to specific marketing or outreach efforts.
Campaign_Name String The name of the campaign associated with the contact.
Agent_No String The identifier for the agent who handled the contact.
Agent_Name String The name of the agent who handled the contact.
Team_No String The team number associated with the agent who handled the contact.
Team_Name String The name of the team to which the handling agent belongs.
SLA Integer Service Level Agreement compliance indicator (-1, 0, 1) representing below, meeting, or exceeding SLA targets.
Start_Date DateTime The start date of the contact.
Start_Time DateTime The start time of the contact.
Prequeue Integer The time spent by the contact in pre-queue status before entering the actual queue, in seconds.
Inqueue Integer The time spent by the contact in the queue before being handled by an agent, in seconds.
Agent_Time Integer The time spent by the agent interacting with the contact, in seconds.
Postqueue Integer The time spent in post-queue activities after the agent interaction, in seconds.
ACW_Time Integer The After-Call Work time, representing the time spent by agents on tasks associated with the contact after the call has ended, in seconds.
Total_Time_Plus_Disposition Integer The total time spent on the contact, including handling, queue, and disposition activities, in seconds.
Abandon_Time Integer The time at which the contact was abandoned by the customer, in seconds.
Routing_Time Integer The time spent routing the contact to the appropriate agent or queue, in seconds.
Abandon String Indicates whether the contact was abandoned ('Y' for yes, 'N' for no).

By transforming complex call data into clear, actionable insights, Expo XT UC Analytics for NICE CXone empowers NICE CXone users to make data-driven decisions, enhance productivity, and maximize the value of their call center investment.

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