AudioCodes SBC ARM CDR Fields and Descriptions

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Expo XT UC Analytics makes it easier to get insights from your Webex Calling data without having to navigate the Control Hub API. By analyzing the call detail records, and utilizing AI to identify anomalies and outliers, Expo XT is a valueable tool for gaining a deep understanding of the way your organization utilizes your Webex Calling infrastructure.

AudioCodes CDR Table

Below is a detailed description of the fields available from the Webex Control Hub fact table, which captures various aspects of caller activity, queuet performance, and hunt group utilization.

Audio Codes CDR Field Audio Codes CDR Field Description
CdrApplicationType Defines the node application type: SBC, GW, HYBRID, THIRD_PARTY
sessionKey Defines a unique key identifier.
sessionId Defines a unique session identifier.
nodeId Defines the ARM node's database ID.
nodeName Defines the node name as described in the ARM GUI.
nodeIp Defines the node's IP address.
incomingPconOrConnectionName Defines the incoming leg name as described in the ARM GUI.
incomingSipInterface Defines the SIP interface ID of an incoming Connection or Peer Connection in the SBC / Gateway.
incomingCallId Defines the Call ID of the incoming leg.
outgoingPconOrConnectionName Defines the outgoing leg name as described in the ARM GUI.
outgoingCallId Defines the Call ID of the outgoing leg.
srcUri Defines the Source URI that is sent (following manipulation).
srcUriBeforeMap Defines the Source URI before manipulation.
from Defines the From URI that is sent (following manipulation).
fromBeforeMap Defines the From URI before manipulation.
pai Defines the P-Asserted-Identity URI that is sent (following manipulation).
paiBeforeMap Defines the P-Asserted-Identity URI before manipulation.
ppi Defines the P-Preferred-Identity URI sent (following manipulation).
ppiBeforeMap Defines the P-Preferred-Identity URI before manipulation.
dstUri Defines the Destination URI sent (following manipulation).
dstUriBeforeMap Defines the Destination URI before manipulation.
armSetupTime Defines the time at which CALL_START is sent, per the ARM's time.
armReleaseTime Defines the time at which CALL_END is sent, per the ARM's time.
sbcSetupTime Defines the time at which Gateway / SBC starts to handle an Invite message, as reported by the Gateway / SBC.
sbcConnectTime Defines the time at which a 200 OK response is sent (i.e., when the call is established), as reported by the Gateway / SBC.
sbcReleaseTime Defines the time at which a BYE message is sent (i.e., when a call ends), as reported by the Gateway / SBC.
sbcAlertTime Defines the time at which the remote side phone starts to ring, as reported by the Gateway / SBC.
alertDuration Defines how long the phone rings, in milliseconds, as reported by the Gateway / SBC.
voiceDuration Defines how long voice is streamed, in milliseconds, as reported by the Gateway / SBC.
completeDuration Defines how long the entire call takes, from the first incoming Invite until the call is ended, in milliseconds, as reported by the Gateway / SBC.
voiceStreamed Determines whether the call was established or not.
sipTerminationReason Defines the SIP termination reason.
sipTerminationReasonDesc Defines a more detailed and descriptive SIP termination reason than the field 'sipTerminationReason'.
routeSeq Defines the number that each route (path) of a call has, starting from 0.
lastNodeId Defines the ARM database ID of the last node in the path.
lastNodeName Defines the name of the last node in the path as described in the ARM GUI.
lastPconOrConnectionName Defines the name of the last Peer Connection or Connection in the path.
routingRuleId Defines the Routing Rule ID of the matching rule.
routingRuleName Defines the Routing Rule name of the matching rule.
discardingByRoutingRule Defines the Routing Rule ID in case of discarding rule.
path Describes the path.
partial Defines whether all CdrMessages applicable to this route are found in the input file. Will be ‘True’ for in-progress calls.
description Briefly describes a partial call.

These fields are essential for understanding the detailed call data captured by the AudioCodes SBC ARM CDR Generator. For more information about detailed analytics available on the performance of your entire communication network, learn about Expo XT UC Analytics.

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