
What is Call Reporting Software?

How Call Reporting Reveals Trends

To harness the full potential of their communication infrastructure, organizations turn to Call Reporting Software, often referred to as CDR reporting or PBX reporting, which extracts Call Detail Records (CDR) from the PBX system to deliver meaningful insights into the health and usage of the voice network. That data is then analyzed, often using AI, to extract insights on communication channels.

By compiling CDR into digestible reports and visualizations, Call Reporting Software enables organizations to optimize communication workflows, identify any potential issues, and gain a window into how the phone network is working.

What does Call Reporting Software Do for Business?

Call reporting software provides crucial insights into your phone operations by tracking key performance metrics. With custom reports and visual dashboards, organizations can monitor call efficiency, call volumes by team, and troubleshoot issues quickly.

Are support calls answered quickly enough? Are sales reps completing enough daily calls? Call reporting provides the visibility to improve service levels and minimize costs.

Key Software Features

chart showing features of call reporting software, cdr details, dashboards, historical calls, and alerts
  • Call Detail Record (CDR) Analysis:
    • What it does: Captures granular details of every communication event, including call duration, start and end times, parties involved, and call type.
    • How it helps: Enables a comprehensive overview of communication patterns and aids in identifying trends for resource optimization.
  • Quality of Service (QoS) Monitoring:
    • What it does: Monitors the quality of voice and video calls by assessing metrics like jitter, latency, packet loss, and Mean Opinion Score (MOS).
    • How it helps: Ensures optimal call quality, aiding IT managers in proactively addressing potential issues and maintaining a high-quality communication experience.
  • Real-time Dashboards and Alerts:
    • What it does: Provides customizable dashboards offering real-time visibility into communication trends and system performance, so administrators can monitor ongoing calls, assess agent performance, and identify areas for improvement instanteneously. Proactive alerts notify administrators of potential issues.
    • How it helps: Enables quick response to emerging issues, minimizing downtime and optimizing system performance.
  • User and Departmental Analytics:
    • What it does: Offers in-depth analytics on individual users and departments, showcasing communication patterns and resource usage. This is especially useful for customer service, support, and other teams with high interaction with customers via phone.
    • How it helps: Facilitates capacity planning and resource allocation by identifying peak usage times and communication patterns.
  • Historical Call Reporting:
    • What it does: Allows the generation of historical reports on communication activities, call volumes, and system performance.
    • How it helps: Supports long-term analysis, aiding in strategic planning, performance optimization, and adherence to compliance requirements. It also helps organization to see trends over time, such as improved response rates, lowered hold time, and reduced call abandonment rates.

How to leverage reports to improve business performance

blue heading image of call reports providing insight between two callers

Communication data is often an overlooked yet highly valuable asset, and call reporting provides a goldmine of actionable insights from quantified system adoption and capacity analysis to employee productivity and real-time alarm notifications. However, this data remains largely underutilized without effective call reporting software to aggregate and distill volumes of call detail records (CDRs) into understandable reports and visualizations.

Once equipped with call reporting software to unlock insights, organizations can transform raw communication data into operational optimization across critical business disciplines:

  • Identify Call Volume Trends
    • Call volume metrics segmented by time period, departments, sites and call types in call reports spotlight rising or declining communication patterns to guide staffing and resource planning.
  • Improve Support Service Levels
    • Call reporting KPIs like abandoned call rate, average speed to answer and call resolution times pinpoint inefficiencies in support operations. Address lagging metrics through staff training, updated protocols or realigned employee incentives. Call reporting software aids customer support teams in managing call volumes, analyzing customer inquiries, and continuously improving service delivery.
  • Boost Sales Productivity
    • Sales call statistics revealing completed calls, talk time and connections made versus dials quantify seller activity and effectiveness. Low performers can receive additional coaching and training to hit activity benchmarks.
  • Realign Capacity to Call Traffic
    • Historical call data reveals peak calling times. Adjust schedules, staffing and inbound call routing rules to align capacity to caller demand and reduce wait times during high volume periods.
  • Identify Infrastructure Issues
    • Metrics like unusable call rate coupled with alarm notifications provide visibility to identify and troubleshoot infrastructure faults, whether isolated or recurring, to prevent communication disruption.
  • Inform Technology Investment Decisions
    • Reporting spotlighting aged equipment nearing end of life, heavily utilized facilities or feature usage validates digital transformation initiatives and future investment requests to modernize communication infrastructure.
  • Optimize ACD Queues
    • Call statistics showing average wait time and overflow across IVR options and ACD queues spotlight areas to optimize call routing scripts and realign queue prioritization to achieve service level targets and enhance customer experience.

How do I choose the right Call Reporting Software for my business?

When choosing a Call Reporting Software solution, it's important to consider integration capabilities to ensure seamless data flows from your communication platforms, as well as how much data you need to report on.

Consideration What to Look For
Integration Capabilities Ensure the software supports integrations with your communication platforms (phone systems, UC tools, contact center solutions, etc.) for seamless call data flows.
Call Reports Prioritize must-have historical reports and real-time views included out-of-the-box to streamline adoption and meet your reporting needs.
User Customization Look for self-service capabilities that allow users to customize reports and build their own without relying on IT.
Data Retention Ensure sufficient data retention period for historical analysis, compliance, analytics, and storage requirements.
Call Alerts and Triggers Proactive notifications on service level failures, infrastructure issues, and emergency call alerts (e.g., 911 calls for Kari’s Law compliance).
Data Security Robust authentication, data encryption, and permissions capabilities to uphold security policies.
Pricing and TCO Evaluate pricing models and calculate total cost of ownership, including licenses, data storage, support, maintenance, and training costs.

Keeping these key considerations at the forefront when researching solutions facilitates selection of call reporting software that best aligns to your budget, user community, data, and reporting needs for both immediate and future communication.

OfficeWatch Call Reporting software helps businesses to track calls from their Cisco, Mitel, Avaya, NEC, or other PBX system for accurate historical and real-time communication trends. If your organization is ready to learn more about using Call Reporting to help your business, learn more here.